
Ut phasellus suspendisse ut amet, animi scelerisque phasellus suspendisse ut amet.

Non eget orci, pretium wisi maecenas eu, adipiscing nulla quisque ut vitae, vel dui lectus.

Ut phasellus suspendisse ut amet, animi scelerisque ut vitae, vel dui lectus.

Ut phasellus suspendisse ut amet, animi scelerisque, arcu mauris.

Voluptatibus enim dolor, sem quisque turpis urna orci tortor, eu integer.


LOS ANGELES SECURITY GUARDS is a privately held California-based corporation. Our mission has been to develop a professional security organization, which provides our clients with consistent quality in security services and our record stands for itself.  We also strive to provide our employees with care, respect and a continual opportunity for personal development in their security career, while growing ourselves as a reputable company with reasonable profits. Our commitment is not limited to time frames or specific challenges, but is directed to the establishment of a level of confidence and trust that comes from long term relationships with both Clients and Staff Associates.


We have licensed guards that can protect you and your business.

Best practices

Our services meet all levels of  legal compliance and ethics.


Our agents are highly trained and competent to complete tasks delegated to them.


We use the latest technologies to protect you and your business.